How To Find The Best Carp Spots | Jake Taylor
Finding the right spot to present your rig on is crucial if you want to catch more and bigger carp consistently. Most anglers do this by casting out a lead or marker float with a heavy rod and braided mainline, then pulling the rod to the side to feel the bottom.
OMC's Jake Taylor, however, has a secret method for "feeling the lakebed", which will not only make you far more precise, but will help you when it comes to finding "spots within spots".
Jake has used this tactic for many years to help him catch big carp in the UK and abroad, as well as win some of the most prestigious matches in UK carp fishing.

Here's how to do it:
1 - Cast out and point your rod straight at the spot.
2 - Tighten straight to the lead and create a bit of slack.
3 - Then walk or pull the line back slowly.
4 - This method means you can cover an inch of the bottom at a time and find the real hotspots.
Some good areas to look out for are right on the very edge of weedbeds, which are common patrol routes for carp.
Similarly, the edges of the clear areas, where there are seams of silt are fantastic feeding zones.
But the real money spots are smoother gravel or clay areas in amongst the bumpy stuff. You'll find those with this hidden edge too and any sudden depth changes.
Bonus Tip - For feeling 'drops' and 'donks' the OMC Donky Pear Lead is your number one tool!
Watch Jake in action below, then get out there and try it yourself!
Jake Taylor is an experienced carp angler on the One More Cast Sponsored Angler Team. Fishing primarily on his syndicate waters in the Cotswold Water Park, Jake is just as at home catching big fish from day tickets like Linear Fisheries as he is chasing monsters in France.