How To Make a Fizzing Carp Fishing Hookbait Carp Go Mad For! | Ali Hamidi

Hookbait attraction is key to getting more bites from carp when the going gets tough, and they don't get more attractive than a fizzing bread ball! Ali Hamidi explains more...

OMC Revibed Bait Orbs

Really want a hookbait that stands out over all others? How about one that is singing, fizzing and popping, making it impossible for carp to ignore? Sounds good, right? Well, with just a few simple ingredients you can do just that!

You will need...

  • Bread
  • Boilies of your choice
  • Baking Powder
  • A liquid attractor like Smart Liquid or Goo
  • OMC Revibed Bait Orbs
OMC Bait Orbs

How to do it...

  1. Crumb your bread (with the NEW OMC B8M8 if you have it!).
  2. Crumb your boilies.
  3. Add a table spoon of Baking Powder.
  4. Add your liquids to make the mix sticky. 
  5. Give it all a good stir and mix until you create a paste-like consistency. 
  6. Stuff this into a Revibed Bait Orb.
  7. Floss that Orb on to your favourite Carp Rig
  8. Get ready to catch a carp (watch how the bait fizzes in the video below!). 

Give it a whirl with this very versatile Bait Orb Rig, it might just turn a blank winter carp fishing trip into a very bright and fizzy one indeed! 


Author Ali Hamidi is the Founder and CEO of One More Cast. He is a regular and popular face on mainstream TV, with his recent show 'The Grand Fishing Adventure' alongside ex-pro footballer Bobby Zamora taking him all over the world. Ali has been fishing and working within the angling trade for decades, bringing many exciting new products to market.