'A Real Asset On The Water' | The Cool Tool Review | David Rosemeier
On his European carp fishing adventures, David Rosemeier needs tackle that saves him time and won't let him down. Which is why he loves 'The OMC Cool Tool!' In this short review article, he explains just how useful this fishing device is...

Multi-tools have become an integral part of carp fishing. In the outdoor industry, these little helpers are already part of the basic equipment, but we carp anglers also benefit from their versatile applications on the water.
The only problem is that what is practical for outdoor enthusiasts is only suitable for fishing to a limited extent. OMC goes one step further and develops a Multi-tool just for carp anglers...

On the water, ‘The Cool Tool’ functions as an entire Toolbox - for anglers, that is! The Tool has ten different functions on board! It includes a Knife, a Drill, a D-rigger, a standard Braid Needle, a fine Braid Needle, a fine & dandy Latch Needle and a tenacious Heavy Latch Needle. In short: everything that today's modern carp angler needs in a Multi-tool! At the same time, it is so compact and small that it can be operated with one hand and fits in any Tackle Box.

When I open the lid of the elegant packaging, it shines out at me like a fresh coin in its Stainless Steel design - what a Cool Tool!
It fits perfectly in the hand and is very easy to use, even for large hands. I particularly like the one-handed operation. This is extremely important when you have to hold the Rig or Hook with the other hand, for example.
The individual tools are accessible from the outside and can be moved into the working position by applying a little pressure with the thumb. Thanks to the ‘click mechanism’, they cannot accidentally fold up again while you are working - a
clever feature that protects your fingers from injury.

For me, this Tool solves a major problem. How many times have I looked for Boilie Needles in the grass, been annoyed by the plastic handles being far too small or complained about broken tips? The Cool Tool remedies all these problems for me and its functions go far beyond that!
To ensure that the Tool is and remains a permanent companion on the water, OMC also offers a practical Transport Case that offers protection and can be attached to a Belt.
In short: For me, ‘The Cool Tool’ is now an integral part of my fishing and a real asset on the water!

Despite his young age, author David Rosemeier is already an integral part of the German fishing scene and has turned his hobby into his profession. David is passionate about the adventures he experiences on the bank and can always be found on the big waters in Germany and abroad.